Create Your Life | Roxy Facer
Instagram: @roxface
"Say no to the jobs and the clients that no longer bring
you happiness. Hopefully you'll find a happy middle ground
in there, and you can fill your life with not just paid gigs,
but creative ones that fill you up as well."
Tell us about yourself?
My name's Roxy, I'm originally from Southern California but now live on the North Shore of O'ahu. I'm 27 and run a boutique production company called Roxface Productions. I only started creating content back in 2016 and I have absolutely no proper training in the field, just good ol' Youtube and picking friend's brains.
How did you get into photography and making videos?
I saw a huge gap in the market for female creators in the fashion industry. I just kept seeing a bunch of old men creating campaigns for a demographic they couldn't be further removed from. It felt weird and over-sexualized to me. I thought if these random men can do, I sure as hell can...and bought a camera.
How would you say you create life on your own terms?
It's definitely not easy, I had to say yes to anything and everything that came my way for a long time. I kept saying yes to jobs and projects to learn and create a portfolio that could hold me up. And somewhere along the lines you'll start to feel like the magic is slipping away from all the mundane and trivial jobs you're doing. The second you feel that happening, you have to start saying no again. Say no to the jobs and the clients that no longer bring you happiness. Hopefully you'll find a happy middle ground in there, and you can fill your life with not just paid gigs, but creative ones that fill you up as well.
What does the perfect day look like for you?
Mmm I haven't thought of a perfect day in a while. But it would start with waking up at 7am, reading for an hour in bed, getting to surf Velzyland out in my front yard for a few hours, definitely getting an Aloha Bowl from Raised by the Waves, shooting some girlfriends surfing on film for sunset, and getting a big bowl of panang curry with coconut rice from Rajanee for dinner. Then going to bed at 9pm sharp.
Favorite place you have traveled to? Favorite project to date?
Tokyo, without a doubt. It's a city that anyone can escape to and fall in love with. It swallows you up with the kindest people, bright lights, total culture shock, insane food and spits you back out making you feel whole again. It's a whirlwind in the best possible way.
My favorite project to date is actually something I'm working on right now with a local, 13 year old surfer, Babe. It's a celebration of youth and the years we all carelessly wished away, while getting to look into Babe's beautiful life as a surf on the North Shore.
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
I'm hope I'm still blessed enough to be doing what I love for work, and maybe a baby or two ha